What is a Coffee Blend vs. Single Origin Coffee

What is a Coffee Blend vs. Single Origin Coffee

For many, coffee is an essential part of our daily routine, and it's no wonder that coffee lovers around the world take their brews seriously. While some coffee enthusiasts prefer single-origin coffee, others opt for a coffee blend. But what makes one different from the other? Kaldi Gourmet Coffee Roasters is your gourmet wholesale coffee supplier that not only provides custom-roasted beans but also helps coffee drinkers across the country learn more about this popular beverage. 

Learn all about how a coffee blend is created and how it differs from single-origin coffee, and check out our Kaldi’s Premium Blend now!

What Is a Coffee Blend?

Simply put, a coffee blend is a mixture of gourmet coffee beans from multiple growing regions that are combined to create a signature blend. This is a distinct contrast to single origin coffee, which is sourced from one specific location and has a distinct flavor profile influenced by the region's soil, climate, altitude, and processing methods.

Blending gourmet coffee beans allows Kaldi Gourmet Coffee roasters to create a unique and complex flavor that cannot be achieved with single origin coffee. While single origin coffee offers a distinct taste of a specific region, coffee blends offer a balanced and nuanced flavor profile.

How are Coffee Blends Created?

Creating a blend at Kaldi Gourmet Coffee Roasters requires skill, knowledge, and experimentation. Our roasters carefully select different coffee beans from various regions, based on their flavor, acidity, body, and aroma. They then blend these gourmet coffee beans in specific ratios to achieve a complex final product that gives coffee enthusiasts a truly unique drinking experience. A few of our wholesale coffee signature blends include the Branford Point Blend with full-flavored coffees from Indonesia and Africa, and the Mocha Java Blend with noticeable smooth, chocolaty notes.

Why Create Coffee Blends?

Signature coffee blends require creativity and expertise. By experimenting with different coffee beans, we can create new and exciting flavors exclusively for our customers. Our espresso blends, for example, are created by blending coffees from multiple growing regions to create a nice extraction for the espresso. Our coffee blends offer consistency in taste and quality, as our roasters can maintain a specific flavor profile every single time.

Kaldi’s Coffee of the Month

To help you experience the complexity of blended gourmet coffee beans, our June Coffee of the Month is the Kaldi Premium Blend. This blend of coffees from Africa and Latin America is a beautifully well-rounded coffee perfect for morning, afternoon, or evening. For a limited time, you can get five pounds of our Kaldi’s Premium Blend for $45 with the code: PREMIUM.