Brewing a Greener Cup: Your Guide to Environmentally Friendly Coffee

Brewing a Greener Cup: Your Guide to Environmentally Friendly Coffee
We are getting close to officially celebrating Mother Earth! This year, Earth Day falls on April 22nd. As we get closer, we here at Kaldi Gourmet Coffee Roasters want to take the time to inform our coffee consumers on how to shop, sip, and dispose of their beans sustainably. 

How to Shop:
With over 25 years in business, we're committed to providing coffee lovers with beans that prioritize sustainability and environmental responsibility. At Kaldi Gourmet Coffee Roasters, we offer a range of coffees, some of which are USDA Organic certified, Fair Trade certified, and Rainforest Alliance certified. Choosing these certified coffees means supporting environmentally sustainable practices and ethical production methods. While you shop, consider buying in bulk to reduce packaging and transportation costs! We hear at Kaldi ship in bulk, selling 5lbs of coffee at a time that ships out the same business day that it’s roasted. When you buy freshly roasted coffee, it has that fresh-from-the-roaster taste for up to 6 weeks! 

How to Sip: 
Once you’ve ground your coffee, consider using a reusable coffee filter while brewing! This will cut back on needless waste of single-use coffee filters, and in turn, also save you money since you won’t have to buy new filters over and over again. Or, consider a compostable coffee filter, which leads us to our next tip… 

How to Dispose: 
After you’ve brewed your coffee, whether you drink Kaldi Gourmet Coffee or not, don't toss those grounds in the trash! Instead, consider composting those coffee grounds. They enrich our Earth’s soil and reduce the need for chemical fertilizers. Let's work on closing the loop on waste by composting our coffee grounds and returning nutrients to the earth.
This Earth Day, join us in raising a cup to a greener, more sustainable future. Take the time to shop consciously for your beans. With Kaldi Gourmet Coffee Roasters, you can enjoy your blends and brews knowing that you are cultivating a positive difference for the planet.