What You Need To Know About Propane Espresso Machines

What You Need To Know About Propane Espresso Machines

Whether you’re trying to start up your first espresso/coffee business, or you’ve been slinging shots for a long time, it is important to know which type of espresso machine would work best with your application.

Propane Espresso Machines are not necessarily the most common type of espresso machines on the market. However, there are some situations in which they are the best option. Want to know if it’s best for you? Here are some pros and cons to this type of machine.


  • Propane Espresso Machines can be used with little or no electricity. Most LPG (liquid propane gas) option espresso machines have the ability to power up in a variety of ways, including: propane only, propane and partial electricity or all electric power.

  • Since LPG espresso machines do not always require electricity, they are also great for mobile situations, or situations in which where electrical power is not readily available.


  • When you are using a machine that is operating on propane power, it can take longer to heat water when you first start up your machine.

  • Propane Espresso Machines do not come with a Low Pressure Propane Gas Regulator. You can to purchase this from the location where you choose to buy your propane tank in stores or online.



When you are preparing drinks with this type of machine, you should make sure that they are no larger than 12 oz. Making 16 oz size drinks and larger greatly reduces the available boiler pressure, which is not ideal on propane powered espresso machines. This is because the heat source (flame) is not as powerful and responsive as, for example, a 220v 4,000 or 6,000 watt heating element. If you are in a situation in which you are finding yourself making several large lattes one after the other, a 220v machine would not have any trouble keeping up. However, it will take longer for the boiler to heat back up to pressure when using propane.

Comparing a propane gas powered espresso machine to one with a 220v 4000w electric heating element is like comparing a scooter to an automobile, respectively. They both will get you to your destination, but the scooter will take longer and the volume of people you can transport (number of drinks made at one time) is limited. However, if you find yourself in a mobile situation where you do not always have electricity, the propane powered espresso machine might be the best and only option for you.