Some Spooky Sips: Stories from Haunted Coffee Shops

Some Spooky Sips: Stories from Haunted Coffee Shops

Some Spooky Sips: Stories from Haunted Coffee Shops

Halloween may still be a couple weeks away, but that doesn’t mean that the haunting hasn’t started already! These coffee shops all claim to be haunted, and we understand why. Keep reading to hear some of the spooky things that have happened in these coffee shops that will chill you to your bones faster than your Iced Pumpkin Spice Latte!

Cafe: Cool Beans Coffee Roasters

Location: Marietta, Georgia

Cool Beans Coffee Roasters has been described as "definitely haunted," and have even gone so far as to have paranormal investigators come in due to reported strange and spooky occurrences. Investigators Will Aymerich and Christina Kieffer used various equipment to investigate the coffee shop, including devices to read electromagnetic fields and a spirit box to communicate with the spirits. Their research found that most of the paranormal activity focused on a private booth and the back hall, where investigators heard what sounded like a baby crying. Aymerich believed less friendly spirits were present in the hallway, possibly from the nearby Marietta Museum of History.

Cafe: Country No Nonsense Coffee Shop

Location: Logan, Utah

This self-proclaimed haunted coffee shop has been spooking its employees, reporting unusual experiences and sightings. These sinister sightings were enough for Sarah Avalos, owner of Country No Nonsense, to bring in paranormal investigators to collect evidence of the alleged hauntings. The investigators captured evidence validating these eerie occurrences, such as motion-activated lights turning on without anyone triggering them, audio clips containing a growl, the sound of an elephant, and a conversation they believe was with an actual spirit. Investigators also shared a video where… something… took over their computer screen for a whole 17 minutes. And yes, the WiFi was turned off. Employees of the coffee shop are taking extra care to not react to the paranormal activity in order to prevent increasing its strength. They will, however, be offering ghost tours in October to share the haunting experiences with their guests. They will be stopping these tours after Halloween to avoid irritating the spirits too much.

Cafe: Haunted Grounds Coffee

Location: Midway, GA

Unlike the other two haunted coffee shops, this one intends to celebrate all the spooky spectacle of their location year round. Patrick Welsh established Haunted Grounds Coffee, a coffee shop in Midway, after the previous owners of the location called the Paranormal Society of Savannah to report hauntings, and then closed up without notifying them after the investigation was complete. With the location empty, Patrick decided to open up his own shop with a unique twist. In addition to serving coffee, the cafe will offer paranormal investigation classes called Paranormal 101 and 102. He emphasizes that the goal of the shop is not to conjure demons or engage in dark practices but to offer a unique experience where customers can enjoy coffee and hear ghost stories. As for the classes, they aim to teach those interested in the paranormal about the basics of paranormal investigation and how to conduct investigations safely. Haunted Grounds owners and employees mention experiencing paranormal occurrences in the shop, such as keys being misplaced, papers falling, chairs moving, and even video evidence of conversations with what he believes to be a spirit.

While these spooky stories are fun, I think it's safe to say that we’ll leave the paranormal activity to the experts. If you’re in the mood for some slightly less creepy coffee, our Pumpkin Spice coffee is on sale now at 5 lbs for $40. Use coupon code PUMPKIN to save at checkout. Stay safe out there, and happy Halloween!

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